Giannini M. Genere e modernità patriarcale

Author: Mirella Giannini Abstract The paper aims to answer the following question: are we really out of patriarchal modernity? Even today, the issue is the subject of feminist debate, because society has certainly evolved from the point of view of women’s emancipation, but the decline of patriarchy, as a fundamental feature of modernity, does not […]

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Leonardi L. Modernità e modernizzazione nella colonialità del sapere sociologico. Il contributo delle semiperiferie e periferie dell’Europa

Author: Laura Leonardi Abstract Sociological knowledge of modernity and modernization elaborated in the Western area and the Global North has been criticized by various sources and disciplines. In this article I consider the critical discourse of the so-called “peripheries and semi-peripheries of Europe”, in which theoretical tools and methods adopted and developed in Western Europe

Leonardi L. Modernità e modernizzazione nella colonialità del sapere sociologico. Il contributo delle semiperiferie e periferie dell’Europa Read More »

Romano O. – Per una demodernizzazione ecologica

Author: Onofrio Romano Abstract The answers to the ecological unsustainability of the modern regime could be grouped around two fundamental intellectual postures: reflexive modernization and post-developmentalist de-thinking. The first aims to provide subjects with an amplified reflexivity, the second on the defusing of modern agency. Against the political inconclusiveness of these two perspectives, the essay

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