Current Issue

Our Journal

A Journal of Epistemology, Methodology, and Theory in the Social Sciences

The Lab’s Quarterly covers a wide range of topics in the social sciences, such as epistemology, methodology, and theory. The journal explores how human knowledge is produced and used in different contexts, how data is collected and analyzed in social research, and how sociological theories explain contemporary social phenomena.

New volume - 2023, XXV, 4 (October-December)

Il contesto familiare/culturale nel divide generazionale introdotto dalle tecnologie digitali

Il contesto familiare/culturale nel divide generazionale introdotto dalle tecnologie digitali

Authors: Lino Rossi , Enrico Orsenigo , Maria Valentini , Annamaria De Santis , Tommaso Minerva Abstract The transformations taking place in the contexts of pervasive use of social media by the adolescent generation, especially the degree of full immersion…

Pre-Pandemic history of a health controversy. Ten years of vaccine hesitancy on the Italian Twitter

Pre-Pandemic history of a health controversy. Ten years of vaccine hesitancy on the Italian Twitter

Author: Ilir Rama Abstract The discursive politicization of vaccine-sceptic positions on Twitter following related legislative interventions. The Covid-19 pandemic underlined the complex ways in which social media and public health…

#IOSONOGIORGIA: Genealogia di un meme tra framing e (re)framing

#IOSONOGIORGIA: Genealogia di un meme tra framing e (re)framing

Author: Junio Aglioti Colombini Abstract This study delves into the memeification of political discourse, focusing on the “Io Sono Giorgia” meme linked to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Analyzing Meloni’s…

Fabio La Rocca (2023) Vivere nelle immagini. Frammenti di un immaginario mediale

Fabio La Rocca (2023) Vivere nelle immagini. Frammenti di un immaginario mediale

Author: Antonio Tramontana Abstract In una sala collocata in un palazzo posto su un’isola del Reno si organizzò la cerimonia di consegna della Duchessa Maria Antonietta ai francesi e che,…

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