Author: Emanuele Rossi
The complex world of emotions has always been at the center of the interest of sociology which, in different ways, has reflected on the nature and emotional strength of social phenomena. In an important book entitled Emotions through Literature. Fictional narratives. Society and emotional self (Routdlege, 2020) Mariano Longo reconstructs the complex relationship between sociology, emotions and literature, discovering that emotions are an essential component of social life and that the sociology of emotion in not just a particular way of analyzing and interpreting emotions, but it is also a way of understanding society.
Keywords: Emotions, literature, society, fictional narratives, social sciences
Notes on contributors
EMANUELE ROSSI è Professore Associato di Sociologia Generale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”. I suoi interessi di ricerca vertono principalmente sulla teoria sociologica classica e contempora-nea e sui temi della marginalità e dell’esclusione sociale.