Leonardi L. Modernità e modernizzazione nella colonialità del sapere sociologico. Il contributo delle semiperiferie e periferie dell’Europa

Author: Laura Leonardi


Sociological knowledge of modernity and modernization elaborated in the Western area and the Global North has been criticized by various sources and disciplines. In this article I consider the critical discourse of the so-called “peripheries and semi-peripheries of Europe”, in which theoretical tools and methods adopted and developed in Western Europe are questioned. In post-Soviet societies, which have experienced a road to modernity and modernization absolutely singular compared to our own, sociological knowledge has also developed original trajectories, while partially sharing a common starting heritage. In light of the major transformations in the contemporary world, Eastern sociology could offer us alternative categories for understanding the phenomena we face with inadequate conceptual tools.

Keywords: Modernizzazione, colonialità, periferie, Europa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13131/unipi/8j1g-bk51

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Notes on contributors

LAURA LEONARDI è professoressa ordinaria di Sociologia generale, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Email: laura.leonardi@unifi.it

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