issue 3 XXIII

Davide Girardi, Oltre la “colpa” individuale. La costruzione sociale delle competenze quale dinamica di campo in un sistema d’impiego locale

The eligibility of a worker for a specific job post is often based on skills defined only according to a neutral standard. In a different perspective, we can also consider skills as a symbolic interplay between the social actors involved in securing the match between labour supply and labour demand. Based on a qualitative research […]

Davide Girardi, Oltre la “colpa” individuale. La costruzione sociale delle competenze quale dinamica di campo in un sistema d’impiego locale Read More »

Giovanni Abbiati, Giulia Assirelli, Davide Azzolini, Carlo Barone, L’università conviene? Un’analisi dei rischi dell’investimento in istruzione universitaria nel sistema del 3+2

Literature on the profitability of tertiary education indicates that university graduates enjoy better occupational outcomes than secondary school graduates. Yet, these claims are often based on simple mean comparisons of wages and employment opportunities, disregarding dropout risks, opportunity costs and field-of-study heterogeneity. This study tackles these issues by estimating short and long-term returns of the

Giovanni Abbiati, Giulia Assirelli, Davide Azzolini, Carlo Barone, L’università conviene? Un’analisi dei rischi dell’investimento in istruzione universitaria nel sistema del 3+2 Read More »

Elena Gremigni, Disuguaglianze di opportunità educative e higher education. Orientamento e dispositivi di riproduzione sociale nell’accesso all’istruzione terziaria in Italia

This paper firstly aims to provide a brief history of the paths to access higher education in Italy and to show the persistence of different educational opportunity inequalities in the country. Through an analysis of the available data and a synthesis of the main contributions on the subject, it is explained how in recent years,

Elena Gremigni, Disuguaglianze di opportunità educative e higher education. Orientamento e dispositivi di riproduzione sociale nell’accesso all’istruzione terziaria in Italia Read More »

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