Andrea Girometti, Ambivalenza e unità nelle scienze sociali. La teoria dell’attore plurale nella sociologia di Bernard Lahire

The article attempts to address the question of ambivalence by linking it to the possibility of reconstructing a unity of the social sciences. Firstly, the concept of ambivalence is considered as theorized by Zygmunt Bauman. In this sense, it presents itself as an opportunity and not just as an obstacle also for the construction of […]

Andrea Girometti, Ambivalenza e unità nelle scienze sociali. La teoria dell’attore plurale nella sociologia di Bernard Lahire Read More »

Emanuela Susca, Ambivalence beyond modernity. Rationalization and morality in Bauman’s social theory

This article focuses on Bauman’s theorisation of ambivalence, with particular reference both to the link established between modernity and ambivalence itself and to the Baumanian conception of morality. Both of these thematisations are considered in relation to the ideas of the human being and humanity as a whole, which in turn are seen as historical

Emanuela Susca, Ambivalence beyond modernity. Rationalization and morality in Bauman’s social theory Read More »

Paolo Iagulli, Modernità, processo di razionalizzazione, emozioni. Ambivalenze, reali e apparenti, nel pensiero sociologico di Max Weber

In this paper, I will first briefly summarise what a part, at least, of the secondary literature on Weber has already observed, namely that by highlighting its strengths and limitations, he displays an ambivalent attitude towards modernity and in particular towards the process of rationalization that characterises it so strongly.

Paolo Iagulli, Modernità, processo di razionalizzazione, emozioni. Ambivalenze, reali e apparenti, nel pensiero sociologico di Max Weber Read More »

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