Francesco Antonelli, Avoiding contradiction, assembling ambivalence. Social theory and technocratic politics

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the socio-political construction of ambivalence in contemporary society, meaning for “construction” a specific strategy of the ruling classes. Since the 1980s, contemporary to the rise of post-industrial society, the concept of “contradiction” has been side-lined and several scholars, including new left intellectuals, have started to speak of […]

Francesco Antonelli, Avoiding contradiction, assembling ambivalence. Social theory and technocratic politics Read More »

Francesca Romana Lenzi, The ambivalence of the city. From classical thought to the pandemic

Since the first sociological approach to the city, its ambivalence has been linked to opposing human needs (Simmel, 1903; Elias, 1936, 1989). Park (1915) and Wirth (1938) expanded on the ambivalent features of the city as the coexistence of maximum expression of individual freedom and the pressure of social control. This is the context in

Francesca Romana Lenzi, The ambivalence of the city. From classical thought to the pandemic Read More »

Emiliano Bevilacqua, Ambivalenze di classe nella teoria sociologica

This essay highlights the ambivalence of social class and considers it as an exemplification of modernity. The presentation of the class analysis carried out by classical sociology, with particular references to Karl Marx and Max Weber, introduces the discussion of contemporary theories that have valued the ambivalence of the class to observe the socio-economic changes

Emiliano Bevilacqua, Ambivalenze di classe nella teoria sociologica Read More »

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